5 Tips to Keep Creating even in the Waiting

5 Tips to Keep Creating even in the Waiting

As beauty and hair professionals I believe we are all artists in our own field. 

As artists we love to create and draw inspiration from our surroundings. When our beautiful surroundings become grey and uncertain it can be sometimes very hard  to find the energy and motivation to create.

When the world is so uncertain and perhaps like myself you have either had to close your business or lost your income and job, life becomes even more stressful and anxiety kicks in. Your energy is consumed and sucked dry by life changing stressful events and the thought of what's next. So amongst the madness how do you muster the energy and motivation to create?

Photo credit @colormehappi 


You are only human. Don't beat yourself up. Take it day by day. These are not normal times so don't have normal expectations on yourself. 

There will be bad days but there will be better days.

So here are 5 Tips to find that spark -

1. Colour your world - Find a space in your place that gives you your own safe place to create. Surround yourself with a few items that give you peace and use colours and visuals that give you inspiration. Even certain smells can help. Most importantly find a spot with natural light to remind you the world outside is still beautiful. 

* I have created a beauty room in my home set up ready each day with big open windows and plants. In the morning I burn my favourited gifted Glasshouse Montego Bay Coconut Lime Candle to remind me of my favourite place the beach. 

Photo credit @sarahdehays

2. Look, Listen and Learn  - As artists we are visual beings. Look for other artists or industry professionals who inspire you or motivate you. It could be as simple as a your own vision boards of pictures that make you want to create.   

Youtube tutorials, books, blogs, facebook pages, podcasts....the amount of content we have at our finger tips daily is incredible thanks to the internet and social media. Use these tools and draw on their ideas, their tips and tricks and how to's and set it as your goal to try these. Once you get started you may find it was just the push you needed to get going. 

* This is todays selection I am learning and drawing inspiration from.

3. Do something you love - Start with creating something you love to do first. This might get you in the mood and things will just flow from there. Generally we are hands on people so once we get started and we see our creations coming together it keeps us wanting more.

*I love what I do because I get to make people feel good so its been a big adjustment creating makeup looks on myself however its nice to actually sit down and try some things I can't do on clients or clients generally wouldn't ask for or looks that I was scared to be trying on a client without practicing first. 

4. Change your scenery (fresh air is the best cure) - while most of us are housebound a daily exercise routine outside will help to get those endorphins flowing and bring out those creative juices. Look for the beauty in small things and put them into your work at home.

Everyday I wake up early head down to the river for a walk watching the sun rise. There is something invigorating and peaceful about being in nature and starting a new day fresh with the sun. 

Photo credit @nicolajanecreative

5. Unplug, relax and practive self care -

Sometimes your best ideas come when you are not putting pressure on yourself to create. A good night of rest will hep you be more productive and creative. 

This is an opportunity to stop, to focus on your family, friends, health and yourself. 

Permission slip for you to do what makes you happy. If you cant find that energy or passion yet to create, dont. It will come back. 

Remember - Small progress is still progress.

Photo credit @craftboner

 Take care and be self aware. You got this!



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